Quote Originally Posted by Fenric View Post

Katsuo smiles

Don't take all that too hard, either. Your excitement is only natural, just keep perspective on things. She may yet end up your mate someday: I'm no diviner. And she may very well want to explore the more physical side of relationships with you at some point... after all: we are not humans and for us only two weeks out of every six months is ... "dangerous".
Genji blushes and nods, "I like that idea quite a lot, but... I've been having fun either way so far... The first time she showed me how to use foxshape was..." He squirms slightly, nose twitching at remembered smells, "A LOT of fun~ That blasted heat though... I think I might actually be glad to see it gone so we can act a bit more naturally and not have to worry about it..." He sighs and strokes his own tail, the soft, floofy texture helping to calm his nerves somewhat, "She said she l-loved me which is just... I don't hate it, but it was so sudden after only meeting her a couple of weeks ago... Is it weird that I don't really want to jump into it headfirst like that? Especially with my instincts screaming at me that I should've given chase when she dashed off like that? I just... I worry that I'm not thinking clearly about this."

The younger Kitsune is rambling a bit at this point, but it was a fairly clear indicator of his own confusion about where he actually stood on this. Yes, Jian was very pretty, but she was in many ways still an enigma to him, and there was quite a bit of learning about the Temple culture that he had to do, etc. Not to mention it seemed kind of silly to be pursuing any serious romance while he was still only an Acolyte with very little free time, and who shared a room with 4 other Acolytes...