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Thread: Abusive Party Members

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Abusive Party Members

    Yes, and I've long since lost tolerance of them. "It's what my character would do." or "I'm just roleplaying" is never the right response when questioned on being a donkey cavity. The player chose to be one. More often it's not about the character but the player himself/herself. (I have experienced male and female jerks.) The player just doesn't given a damn about you and only cares about his/her fun to accomplish whatever personal goals he/she has for the character. Your fun is irrelevant. It only gets worse if the DM enables it either through approving of such behavior or thinking being neutral about it is the proper thing to do.

    Should you have such a player in your group you could try speaking to him/her, but it usually doesn't work. You get the "I'm just roleplaying" pablum and accusations of you being a whiner. Talk to the DM. If the DM doesn't stop it, leave the game. It's not worth it. I've had quit games because of such players, but sometimes it was the jerk who quit.
    Last edited by Pex; 2016-12-28 at 01:07 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by OvisCaedo View Post
    Rules existing are a dire threat to the divine power of the DM.