Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
Why? Go look into both Japanese and Celtic lore. Both have warriors doing things that break physics constantly, and those are just two out of thousands of cultures whose legendary mythological heroes regularly do things that aren't spellcasting, but they're still highly magical.

There's honestly no reason why fighters shouldn't be breaking reality at higher levels along with everyone else; there's simply no way for the class to function, otherwise.
It was also built into the Samurai in 3.0 in Oriental Adventures. The 3.5 Kensei improved on that feature. To be fair as well, building in the Kensei table to the fighter isn't a bad choice. Since they typically get stuck in one style of fighting. And it removes some of the burden of being super specialized in a fullblade by being able to change your enchantments on the fly. Instead of that shocking enchantment being invalidated because the DM tosses demon with the Tanar'ri subtype at you. When the cleric says 'well crap, that thing has a resistance to cold, fire and acid, and it's immune to electricity and poison', instead of saying, 'great my weapon is totally useless' you say 'Well, alrighty then, time for Mr. Wiggles (Because what fighter doesn't name their sword) to be Evil Outsiderbane, Magebane, Transmuting and +(N) instead of Shocking, Chilling and Constructbane and +(N)."