We did have one. He was playing a paladin, I like paladins.

I'd played with the guy before, but his previous character was an angsty wayang loner stealth specialist, so when his character refused to meaningfully interact with the party for long enough everyone just stopped trying. The lack of interaction fit his concept well enough, although he would occasionally break out of it to yell distaste for the party kitsune's shape-shifting abilities.

A year later the same player came to a new campaign with his tiefling paladin raised by dwarves, he likes unusual races that are discriminated against, I assume to justify his typical character personalities. He introduced himself to the party by breaking public property and accusing another PC of prostitution. This could have been an interesting conflict had he been more varied in his insults towards said character, but as it was he simply made accusations about her sexuality when the conversation allowed.

His character was also racist against elves and half-elves, i.e. half the party. This led to him in the first session claiming his character would not help make plans if the elves were involved. Being a rather large party, we accepted his proposal and carried on without him. He also loudly and repeatedly mentioned his disdain and hatred for such party members. Several sessions later he detained the party for half the session to rant about how he wasn't included in any plans, and demand to be included on any plans and secrets in the future ... other than him it was an interesting and fun campaign.