Quote Originally Posted by Pex View Post
Yes, and I've long since lost tolerance of them. "It's what my character would do." or "I'm just roleplaying" is never the right response when questioned on being a donkey cavity.
In truth, the proper response to such people is this:
Quote Originally Posted by Lance Tankmen View Post
Hm when I DM there is friendly banter and teasing . Verbal abuse such as outright hostility that should be dealt with by the PC or the party. Example being the half in player is taunting the half orc constantly. Well the orc player is probably going to respond with violence. If the member in question is hostile to all its even simpler. You aren't forced to be friends, murder him. Chance are it's him vs you or more. And. As for you saying his character was physically abusive how is he still breathing ???
Quote Originally Posted by Doug Lampert View Post
My response to "It's what my character would do" is that my character is a member of a gang that breaks into the homes of people they think are guilty of some offense, kills them, and takes their stuff. My character is quite sure your character is guilty of a rather serious offense, plus he's annoying so I don't give him a pass. DIE! (What? I'm just acting in character and role-playing. What in the world did you expect a bunch of murder-hobos to do?)

That's the thing about people who "role-play" jerks, they don't want to role-play the obvious logical consequence if everyone else is also allowed to role-play their characters.
If they want to say "it's what my character would do," they don't get to complain when what MY character would do is to punish theirs for it. And I'm playing somebody just as capable of causing grievous harm as they are.

One of the more fun iterations of my namesake PC was in a party with an elf who absolutely loathed him. My PC didn't take it personally, but was a cold person with a sardonic wit that he delivered extremely dryly, and he took great pleasure in needling the elf whenever the elf chose to try to be insulting.

Both players involved enjoyed it, as did the rest of the party of players (including the GM). So maybe that's not really "abusive players."