Quote Originally Posted by Rune Knight View Post
Want to hear something silly? An Arcanine "is said to be able to run 6200 miles in a single day and night." -Emerald, Black and White 2 Pokedex.
Now, how fast is that? I'm sure some people already recognize it as ridiculous.
If they run nonstop for 24 whole hours, that's still a little under 260 mph. Well, that's faster than the vaunted Rapidash, that clocks in at 150.
But if that Arcanine is say, going at an adventuring pace of 8 hours of travel with breaks and stopping to eat and sleep to fill out that 24 hours? Then you have a big dog breaking the sound barrier on foot at 775 mph.
Sorry I couldn't let you have a base movement speed of 1135. Where do you get these random statistics from, anyways, Game Freak?
Well, it's not as bad as a lava snail that's hotter than the surface of the sun.