Quote Originally Posted by Grod_The_Giant View Post
[...] letting you commune with them (Enhanced Intelligence, Limited/Quirk: only for knowledge possessed by the souls in the blade
So your thesis is that the ability to reliably command the knowledge of specific dead people is...a couple of points? That's also very much not what the Intelligence stat does.

and possibly summon them to your service (Summon Ghost, with the power tweaked to your taste).
You explicitly can't summon specific people. (You also can't trap the souls of dead people, because M&M has no concept of souls or the afterlife).

This is the problem with pretty much all the Champions derivatives - their effects-based point buy system can't handle anything that isn't materialistic. The notable exception is Mayfair's DC Heroes, simply because the DC Universe has always had a huge mystical component so they wrote in specific rules for it.

Deadman: A ghost (no Stamina
That's...not actually a thing you can do in M&M.

Permanent-duration Concealment 10 (all senses) and Intangibility 4)
Here comes Hydra, with a high-tech phase-shift blaster (Damage, Range, Affects Insubstantial). Or perhaps a SATAN-field generator (Nullify insubstantial, Area). Except those don't work on Deadman. Ever.

Like all Champions derivatives, M&M can't do absolutes (it was an explicit stated design pattern for Champions, and the other games have aped it without ever addressing the genre problems it creates).

Come on, give me something harder.
Okay. Mjolnir.

Look, you can handwave away the problem (I've seen writeups for Katana that reduce everything Soultaker can do down to a couple of quirks, which is just a tacit admission the system can't handle it) or you can make up completely new rules for it, like how to handle Deadman possessing a mouse or a bird without Shrinking, or how to interact with dead people. But at that point, it isn't the system that's modelling the character.