Quote Originally Posted by nonsi View Post
1. I said "gives an impression". It wasn't meant as insult. IIRC, I was one of the first to congratulate your work with the Bard.
2. Preliminary fluff explains the designer's vision of why the class exists, what it stands for and how to role it (as opposed to being just a bag of statistics that lets RPGers kill monsters virtually). That's one of the added values of homebrewing over PC games.

Btw, consider incorporating the Rat Warden into the Warforged Warden. You have plenty of posting characters available for that.
I've been wanting to do that for a while, but time conspires against me. And with so many classes, it would be a rather significant undertaking.

When I first made the class, I picked a specific number of options. One animal for each combination of ability score preferences. One flying animal. And four aquatic animals. It seemed a good number. Later, I decided that I wanted to add rat, but it would be awkwardly out of place if I folded it into the main class, so I made it a variant.