When DM'ing a group of friends I asked them to write a little backstory for there charecters so I could base a few quests off there individual histories. This was before the third session that we had played with these charecters and I figured that they would find it fun too give there charecters flavour.
Not such a bad request right?
One player said he would and then didn't, another player simply stated that he didn't want to, but number 3 was the worst.
Not only did he refuse to make a backstory but told me it was a dumb idea and that I was "getting to into the game". Then he left the table and whent and played WOW.
Needless to say the game fell apart which really stinks because its really hard to find a group around here, what with me living out in the boonies and the nearest game store an hour and a half away
Has anyone else had this kind of problem?