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Thread: The Garden IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Garden IC


    And then, they were elsewhere. But it certainly wasn't the Motes: there was no teahouse in sight. Or ground, or anything familiar, or air. This last part wasn't actually a problem for Sincerity, thankfully. She had stopped being human long ago; now she was air, she was breath. There was the distinct possibility that her companions, on the other hand, weren't as well off as she was, and Sincerity was used to looking out for others. Her instinctive reaction was first to sweep them away from the harmful environment, but of course, that was how they had got here. How could she rely on her magic when it had put them in this spot in the first place?

    But, she was strong of will, stronger than many, and that might prove to be enough. Sincerity focused herself and attempted to take control, asserting herself over her surroundings.

    So, as noted in my character sheet. Sincerity has on her permanent elemental transformation, which includes the Breathless trait from the Extreme Adaptation talent. This should keep her alive in this situation.

    The reaction I'm describing above makes more sense when you realize that Sincerity is from an entire sphere that consists of Morphic planes, where the planes can be influenced by raw will rather like the Limbo plane. Its quite possible such an effort has no impact here at all, but... well, the Line is pretty weird. There's not a lot of rules on how to control Morphic planes, but Manual of the Planes lets you control Limbo with a wisdom check, so I'll default to that in the absence of anything else.


    In case it matters, Sincerity's main goal with that attempt is just to provide breathable air. Though ground beneath their feet might be nice too.
    Last edited by AmberVael; 2017-02-15 at 05:18 PM.