Somehow, there is a Mongol on the throne of England. Somehow I just took Khiva from the Mongols (I would have taken Khotan too, but I forgot to land my brother-in-law when I noticed he was heir to it. Stupid, stupid, stupid.) I am, as soon as I figure out how to defang 2 factions with 140% power, about to conquer England. Then they will just have Jerusalem, which I do not seem to have a claim on.

My attempts to break up Baluchistan aren't working. However, I could holy-war the one and only duchy in Baluchistan and then Usurp it.

Also, somehow my dwarf first daughter is my heir rather than my high-martial, high-diplomacy, high stewardship, born-in-the-purple second daughter. Any suggestions on fixing it? I suppose I could give her sons temples to get them out of the line of succession.