Quote Originally Posted by khadgar567 View Post
arch type will be good option cuz between some thing acts as stat pet and geniue usefull mook i will be taking usefull mook instead of stat pet and can i ask why witch as one of the components rather then sorcerer or wizard which gives more omp then witch to the class and makes more f ing sense then witch for awesome arcane might in full armored glory
Well, the Witch component probably has to do with the whole "dark pact" idea. PF lacks a Warlock class, and Witch has abilities that are very, very important to have kept separate from the spells under Hexes. Which, themselves, fit the Evil Overlord thing better than just being a half caster.

As for familiars being a "stat pet," there are Gdocs things bigger than this class describing all the things you can do to get a familiar and how to use them. Familiars are powerful in Pathfinder, because of all the tricks you can pull with them. Why, there's even a feat named Die for your Master that lets your Familiar(provided you made it into a Tumor Familiar previously) sacrifice itself to save your life.

If you want to replace the Familiar with something, replace it with a Bond ability. Which the class probably should have had to start with, but only Wizard and Druid have Bond abilities as full casters, of which the Wizard's Arcane Bond works much, much better for this. Then, you can have the choice of a Familiar or magically improving your armor without prerequisites in the way for the base class, with a choice between a Cohort, as in the Leadership feat's primary minion, and a Wondrous Item-eligible object for a more minion focused version of the class.

Going over more about this potential setup, the minion focused archetype could have Leadership supporting abilities, including Leadership proper as a feat option, replace the stuff the Overlord gets for personal offensive power to have minion bonuses, possibly with Teamwork feats that bypass the restriction for granted Betrayal feats and other effects like Betrayal feats. The minions will jump in front of the Overlord's fireballs to intimidate enemies and the minions will like it. Yes, this is an actual thing...

Other archetypes could swap the type of boss the character is. Invincible armored juggernaut that deals damage with arcane supremacy is fine, but what about the ones who take up martial studies because magic runs out on the offensive side that focus on defensive magic? You can have undead armies as a separate archetype from the Leadership focused archetype, you can have a summoning focused archetype, you can have a lot of archetypes focused on how they lead their army and how they get their army.

The core thing that has to stay the same is simply that the Overlord be the center of what's going on. They are no Necromancer, hiding in their keep and sneaking through the night to rob corpses from graves. They are a leader of undead hordes that they make from the armies smashed against their might. They are no demon binder who sends their fiends after foes. They will charge at the enemy battle line and summon devils to assist in slaughtering their foes as they outdo every horrid monster they summon. They don't sit at the back of the formations planning out feints and flanking, they will lead the charge themselves, with blade and magic.

When it comes to intrigue, Enchantment spells to twist the minds of their political opponents and immense skill at duels, bolstered by well-hidden spellwork to make their foes clumsy and foolish as they improve their own dueling skills with magic, all the while they are lying and seeing through the lies of lesser men. Possibly with Zone of Truth to disable lies of others altogether. They, of course, know how to make said zone not apply to them. So they are still a monster in combat, but they are more focused on one-on-one combat than the generalized fighting skills of the "generic" Overlord.

Large scale warfare? Half the possible archetypes have good excuse for abilities supporting that! Raise the dead during the battle to turn the tides, summon fiends to bring fire and terror, inspire horridly effective cruelty in your troops and more. And you are very much a caster focused on Evocation spells, so you can throw Cones of Cold and Fireballs to just shatter formations personally.