Earth, Max's Ship

Max had been about to say something, but as the brass ship arrived, then Dr. Whooves informed him that his home was no more he closed his mouth and sat on the ground. Then curled up into a ball and sat there silently thinking as he stared off into the air. Internally, he was boxing his emotions up for later unpacking and processing and coming to a decision on what his next course of action should be, and that didn't take him long to figure out.

Clearing his throat and standing up once more, Max brushed himself off and started to speak, a tremor of emotion disrupting his voice. So he stopped, cleared his throat again, took a short breath before starting once more, "Well, if I can't get back home then it is my duty as an Earthling and a Human to make the world a better place. Which, given the range of the years, would start with implementing proper sewage and sanitation. Given that I'm not about to go conquering the world just to build sewers, it would work better to make a shining example of a city for people to try and keep up with the johnsons with." Max looked over to the animate suit of armor, "Do the namekians know you're cribbing off their ship design sheet? And since when was there a Red Planet army? Furthermore, I'm rather certain that this land is claimed by some minor fiefdom or baron or something at this time. So unless you conquered them and whatever country they were a part of, I think there's some contenders to your claim of territory."