Max's Ship

Max nodded, "Well, if you don't eat then I suppose I'll bring it along for the person who seems to be waiting for me. Max would then flick his wrist, working a bit of matter creation but trying to pass it off as sleight of hand to give the Automaton a business card. "If you contact me on that frequency, with that encryption, it should work with my phone. As for me, I should be going and seeing who was waiting for a time traveler and had such a patient feel about their aura." Max would move over to Dr. Whooves, offering him a hand, "If you want a ride to come along, The Max Express is heading out."

Whether Whooves took the offer of a ride or not, Max closed his eyes and extended his senses out and down to the Tournament. With a few moments more of focus, he built the relative position of life signs up in his mind, found that oh so patient power once more...then targeted a tree off a bit from the tournament arena itself. "And a three, and a two, and a one, let's go!" Was the only warning he gave before Instant Transmissioning his way over to that tree near the arena, away from the hubub where a suddenly appearing person would have been conspicuous.

Earth, Tournament Grounds

Max appeared, possibly with a pony in tow, at a tree away from the gathering of the tournament itself. From there, he got walking over towards the arena and hoping to blend in with the crowd. You know, despite being 6'4, wearing voluminous black robes and a giant wizard's hat, complete with a fake beard. And, of course, not helping things was that he kept registering as a damn 5 power level. He would, of course, be aiming to make his way to the seating, where that aura had been waiting for him oh so politely.