Quote Originally Posted by CasualViking View Post
So, I was looking into curses, and I didn't really find any. Mind sphere can cause permanent insanity, but that's about it.

So, I was thinking about how it should go. I like the idea of curses with escape clauses, and I thought that maybe curses should require the caster to commit a spell point to them. Then, when the curse is layed down, and only at that moment, the curser can name the conditions for the removal of the curse. Once the curse is in place, the curser can't lift it; only the fulfillment of terms can do that (and restore the spell point). I'm not sure about the interactions with death, but laying down a powerful dying curse should certainly be a thing that you can do.
Also, removing curses should be dangerous. A failed roll gets the helper cursed, instead of or in addition to the curse victim.

All of this should be in the Fate sphere, it's looking rather thin at the moment.
The simple truth is that being able to inflict permanent injury is of limited use to most players - they would rather inflict a temporary debilitating injury and then coup de grāce the target. The most use I can see a player getting out of a curse is using it to threaten an NPC, so maybe a single talent could be written. GM's, meanwhile, uses long-term injury as a plot device mostly, so they don't need help either.

And yes, Fate needs to be beefed up.