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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Elemental Plane of Water

    Default Re: If a kingdom is ruled legitimately and fairly (enough) by a lich?

    Quote Originally Posted by eru001 View Post
    For the "Good Lich"

    This is the story of Hochmeister Karl the Lich. (Yes I am good at naming characters thank you for noticing)


    Then the evil horde comes with the dark lord Yugdab at it's head.
    I literally laughed out loud at the dark lord's name. Well done!

    EDIT: As far as the point of "Can enough Y balance out enough X or vice versa?" I think that we're seeing that play out with V in the comic. V has committed a truly horrible act, but I think it's still up for debate on whether or not V is currently Evil. If V is currently Evil due to the horrible act, then can V do enough to bring him/herself back to True Neutral? It's an interesting question, to be sure.
    Last edited by The Aboleth; 2017-04-04 at 02:27 PM.