Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
"I do apologize for that. But the time we have to solidify our position is undeniably finite." Gwynned quirks her eyebrow. Momoka shrugs.

"We have a myriad of impending cataclysms. The Ghost King, the likelihood of the Royal Guard continuing their inquisition, and the destabilizing of our government by the effective execution of our entire legislative body. And who knows what else may crop up."

"A lotta big words, Yuki. You coulda just said if we don't pull things together we're royally f-"

Momoka gives a lighthearted sigh. "...yes, quite. But we do have time. More of it now. In a manner of speaking. But nonetheless, we can't delay. So how soon can you be prepared for a ceremony, Setsurou?"
"That depends. How long do you think I've been waiting for this opportunity?"

That's the most romantic way he could find to say "pretty much immediately".