Previous point still stand. Both Faulk and Zephan managed to hide any outward reaktion, its only their thoughts that revealed they were turned on.

And we dont have access to Maxima's thoughts, how then can we know she were not aroused as well? And just hiding it like those two?

Because everyone clearly felt the attempt, they just reacted to it differently. And that Maxima has a default setting thats close to anger/annoyance when it comes to Dabbler is not much of a clue i think. Dabblers profile straight up mention that she likes to mess with people she percive as prudes.
(also the text under that comic mentioned how Zephan might not have any reason to resist the lust aura, he is suposedly straight and not a member of archons direct command structure)

Maybe she just hates Dabbler and resisted it that way? Hard to have a hard on for someone when they disgust you so severely.
That i think is unlikely, i doubt you can hide strong emotions from a psychic succubus.