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    Spamalot in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition V: How dead is that corpse?

    Spoiler: Responses!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTeaMustFlow View Post
    Cap'n Tempest: We need something no one on this island will want to be involved in... legitimate business.
    I remember a D&D pirate game that went like that. The paladin had a reeeally interesting time trying to fit in. :3

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterMercury View Post
    DM: No! The turtles are unrelated to the crabs!
    With all the crab jokes flying around, I would have thought there would be a correlation, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe the Rat View Post
    ElfKnight: Nah.
    FairlyHalfling: We're good.
    BFFs right there.

    Viridia: “Do we get the ending in the game, or will we have to pay for the season pass?”
    Moon: “Time is money, so you've already paid a lot.”
    GM: “I'd wait until they make a horse armor DLC before making any hard decisions.”

    Choro: “I suppose we should say a proper goodbye to Ms. River, Mr. Light and Ms. Shine before we depart. Its good manners to say farewell before you venture off into deadly peril.
    Doc: “Can I just wave from up here? I walked liked... 500 steps to get up here and I ain't doing that again today.”

    Fan Knife: “And why do you think that saving this place is right?”
    Doc: “Why did Choro and I save your sister's life earlier from Tenaculum? It would have been easy to walk away. Would leaving her to die be equally as valid as saving her life?”
    Fan Knife: “The problem is, there's nothing for a pony to work towards here. There's no great endgame, where everything gets better for everyone if all the bad eggs get smashed.”
    Moon: “You know, I agree with you. But, duty aside, I'd be happier in a world without a murder meat factory in it.”
    Fan Knife: “What's the difference between holding a burning coal and a kitten? In the grand scheme of things, both are valid, but only one would make any sense.”
    Doc: “The world is the way it is now because everyone only looks out for themselves and has forgotten what true friendship is about. If you don't understand why banding together to shut down a rogue factory is the right thing to do, then perhaps you are no better than those who would have walked away and let your sister die.”
    Fan: “Relationships like that are good, except when they're not. Friendships are fluid things that are only reliable when ponies are really close and everyone involved has good intentions; so, really, they're not exactly the best base to build anything on a large scale. The only real constant, if you ask me, is family.”
    Doc: “So what you're saying is that you don't care if your sister died, but family matters... Well, reckon that says a lot about something.”
    Last edited by DigoDragon; 2017-04-26 at 08:33 AM.
    Digo Dragon - Artist
    D&D 5e Homebrew: My Little Pony Races