
Strawberry pulls the big, green lever on the airlock's wall, which causes the lights to go out. That's it. "Pretty big light switch you got here." For her next try, she presses the small, red button next to the lever. A warning signal sounds, the inside doors shut, water is pumped into the small room, and the outside doors open. If nothing stops her, Strawberry will hurry away from the base, towards the riftline station beach.

[some sort of epilogue?]

A small Bayside apartment, the next morning: Strawberry is sitting in her kitchen, enjoying a modest breakfast, when her cell phone rings. Her boss, a Grey alien, is at the other end of the line.
"Good morning Mrs. Strabirova. How was your trip to HALO yesterday? Any good news?"
"Well, it went better than expected." she lies, "Though I don't know very much about high-tech engineering, the only weak spot in the base's exterior I could find was a cracked window. It should be fixed by now, I think."
"That's good news. The HALO people were satisfied with your work?"
"I guess."
"That's good news. So they paid the full price then?"
Strawberry's hearts almost skip a beat. She had been so happy about not getting into further trouble yesterday that she completely forgot about the pay. And she doesn't have enough savings to compensate for the missing payment, either. For some dreadfully long seconds, silence prevails. "There is no pay." she quietly admits.
"What do you mean, there is no pay? You just said you got the job done."
"I lied. I didn't get the job done. I screwed up big time, I'm so sorry."
This time, it's the boss who falls silent for a moment. "I'll just say three things. One: you will not have to compensate the lost payment with you own savings, I know you don't have much. Three: You're fired, because you just lied to me about one of the perhaps most important contracts we've ever got. You don't have to show up for work tomorrow."
"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."
The boss hangs up.

((With that, the scene should be over. Thank you for playing.))