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    Ogre in the Playground
    Celestia's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Canterlot, Equestria

    Default Master of the Seven Swords

    The Master of the Seven Swords

    Base Attack Bonus: +10
    Skills: Concentration 6 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks
    Feats: Weapon Focus (Any slashing weapon), Iron Will


    Hit Die: d10

    Level BAB Saves Special
    1 +1 +2/+0/+2 Crushing Blow
    2 +2 +3/+0/+3 Disrupting Slice
    3 +3 +3/+1/+3 Piercing Strike
    4 +4 +4/+1/+4 Shadow Slash
    5 +5 +4/+1/+4 Spacial Rend
    6 +6 +5/+2/+5 Planar Cleave
    7 +7 +5/+2/+5 Soul Dissection
    Class Skills (4 + Int)
    Climb, Concentration, Craft, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Use Rope

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Master of the Seven Swords does not gain any proficiency in weapons or armor.

    Crushing Blow (Ex): The first hidden technique that a Master of the Seven Swords learns is the Crushing Blow. With this knowledge, he can identify and precisely strike at the weak points of objects and creatures. Whenever he makes an attack with a slashing weapon, he ignores hardness and damage reduction. He also gains the Improved Critical feat for any slashing weapon for which he has the feat Weapon Focus.

    Disrupting Slice (Su): At level two, a Master of the Seven Swords learns to identify and disrupt magical energies. When encountering a creature with a magical miss chance or Invisibility, he can, as a swift action, make a Concentration check against the highest caster level of such an effect on that creature. If successful, he can ignore all said effects on that creature for the remainder of their respective durations. If unsuccessful, he can attempt the roll again by spending a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity to study the target.

    A Master of the Seven Swords may also attempt to disrupt all spells and effects on a target. As a standard action, he can make an attack with a slashing weapon to cut the bonds of magic on the target. In addition to dealing normal damage, this acts like a targeted Greater Dispel Magic spell with a caster level equal to ten plus his Master of the Seven Swords level.

    Piercing Strike (Ex): At third level, a Master of the Seven Swords has become skilled enough at attacking weak points that he can slide his weapon through the armor of his enemies. All attacks made with slashing weapons are treated as touch attacks. In addition, he gains the Power Critical feat for any slashing weapon for which he has the feats Weapon Focus and Improved Critical.

    Shadow Slash (Su): The fourth of the hidden techniques is the Shadow Slash. With it, a Master of the Seven Swords can cut through the fabric of the universe and open a hole in the planar walls. As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, he can make a Concentration check against a DC of 15. If successful, he tears open a portal that leads to either the Ethereal Plane or the Shadow Plane in an adjacent square. The portal remains open for 1d4+1 rounds until the natural forces of the universe seal it. If he is in either of those two planes, then he can use this ability to return to the Material Plane. Also, all attacks made with slashing weapons can hit incoporeal creatures even if they otherwise couldn't and ignore incoporeal miss chance.

    Spacial Rend (Su): A fifth level Master of the Seven Swords knows the secret of Spacial Rend, allowing him to traverse great distances quickly. As a standard action, he can make a Concentration check against a DC of 20 to slash open a hole in reality. This portal leads to another location within the same plane, like the spell Greater Teleport. The portal remains open for 1d4+1 rounds until the natural forces of the universe seal it.

    A Master of the Seven Swords can also use this to warp the space around his weapon. By spending a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, he can cut the space of his own weapon, turning it into a spacial anomaly. For a number of rounds equal to one quarter the result of a Concentration check (round down), his weapon deals force damage rather than slashing damage.

    Planar Cleave (Su): At level six, a Master of the Seven Swords improves upon his reality tearing and learns the hidden technique of Planar Cleave. As a full-round action, he can make a Concentration check against a DC of 25 to slice reality and open a hole to anywhere. The portal leads to another plane, like the spell Plane Shift. It remains open for 1d4+1 rounds until the natural forces of the universe seal it.

    He can also use this ability to send creatures back to where they belong. All attacks with slashing weapons against extraplanar creatures trigger a Banishment effect, as the spell, with a caster level of 10 plus his Master of the Seven Swords level.

    Soul Dissection (Su): The final hidden technique that a Master of the Seven Swords learns is the Soul Dissection. His mastery of cutting has reached such a height that he can cut a soul from its body. As a standard action, he can make an attack with a slashing weapon that attempts to kill the opponent by severing the body-soul connection. He must make a Concentration check against a DC of 30. If successful, the target must make a Fortitude save against a DC equal to the amount of damage dealt. A creature that fails this save instantly dies. Even if they succeed, they are still dazed for one round from the pain.

    This ability does not work on elementals, outsiders, or any other beings who lack a dual nature. It also does not work on constructs, undead, or any entities that lack a soul. Native outsiders and living constructs are affected normally.
    Last edited by Celestia; 2017-05-03 at 11:19 AM.
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