It's been a few days, hopefully no one minds another post from me~

Spoiler: Against my better judgement, I joined this game again.
Nick: "Why did the wizard build an iron golem that was only good at diplomacy? He wanted to make a social construct."

Nick: "Then he shakes her hand and the horse next to them explodes."

Digo: "So... what's the fine for drawing crop circles in a non-warp capable society's field?"
Nick: "5000 credits and 6 months in a penal colony being explained as to why you shouldn't do that."

GM: "How ready are we?"
Digo: "Oh, I'd say 95... 95 and a half."
Nick: "99%"
Chris: "42."
Mel: "Mayonnaise."

Chris: "Why are you banging your head against the wall?"
Capt. Nemo: "Because it'll feel so good when I stop."

Digo: "At its angle, it could ram us and take out our rudder."
Nick: "At its speed, it could cut our ship in half!"
Mel: "So what do we do?"
Digo: "You want a hint?"
Mel: "Yeah."
Digo: "How long can you tread water?"

Nick: "It's the D&D British Empire. Anyone not them is the cabin boy."

Nick: "Oh good. Ambassador Kosh and the Vorlons are here."

Capt. Nemo: "I'm not the curious type. If I see an island and it doesn't strike me, I leave it alone. If it does strike me, I roll initiative and strike back."

Nick: "We're on a mission from Bob."

Nick: "I'm expecting the ship to be powered by a giant slug, sniffing spice."

GM: "What you see are six ogre skeletons turning cranks that generate power."
Chris: "Ah, a necromatic drive."
Digo: "Its a bare-bones engine, but it works."
Chris: "And only needs a skeleton crew to run it."

Digo: "Aww, my treasure trove has gone commando."

Chris: "I can resist anything but temptation."

Digo: "What do these people look like?"
GM: "Seven-feet tall, light violet skin, stocky build like a dwarf--"
Digo: "Three eyes on their face?"
GM: "Yes, actually."
Digo: "That's what I thought."
Nick: "You know what they are?"
Digo: "Not a clue. I was just guessing."

Chris: "How is Halberd?"
Nick: "Feeling very stiff, but still has his pointed sense of humor."

Nick: "Anyone else notice this island is like Tahiti?"
Chris: "Tahiti?"
Nick: "Yeah. It's a magical place."