Quote Originally Posted by PallentisLunam View Post
How exactly would one unintentionally cast a spell or use an SLA?
One example is magical traps - even if they cast spells, it wasn't their intention
Verran’s Flesh Golems use trigger-activated amulets, but still "Int -", and what's the intention without sapience?
Quote Originally Posted by PallentisLunam View Post
And why can't that be the case? If a tool does something evil then the guilt is assigned to the operator, and traps don't make themselves.
While act of setting the trap may be Evil (I don't sure), but the act of summoning the devil committed by the trap, not the trapper; and trap is lacks alignment altogether - not even True Neutral

Quote Originally Posted by PallentisLunam View Post
Let's get the full quote there, "largely harmless and seemingly unintelligent"
Planar motes don't seem well enough defined to make a case with.
Have you any quotes which can prove it's impossible to have aura of alignment without actually having alignment?

Quote Originally Posted by PallentisLunam View Post
So any time a creature is afflicted by a Feeblemind spell they lose their alignment? Like I said there is no value outside the 3x3 so would this set them to true neutral?

Does a character whose intelligence is reduced to 0 gain immunity to any effects which rely on the character being good, evil, lawful, or chaotic?
Good questions!
No, seriously, if somebody was damaged into Int 0, Wis 0, Cha 0 - then how's he/she will perceive the world?
Apparently, either Alignment have absolutely nothing to do with innate beliefs and general worldview, or both Alignment and mental capabilities are very poorly thought-out