Quote Originally Posted by Libro View Post
I am inclined to believe that asking what's not wrong will result in a much shorter list.

This particular individual seems like they need a reality check and a chill pill, at a minimum.
In principle I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with criticising the rate of productivity of goods or services you have paid for. If you commission something and it takes five years to finish, I think it's fair to start asking questions about what's going on. Even the Sistine Chapel ceiling only took four years.

But that's in principle. Kickstarter doesn't really work like that; indeed one of the problems with it is that backers view themselves as customers rather than investors. The entitlement displayed in those comments and the associated rudeness, not to mention how ridiculous some of the suggestions are and the way it bundles up complaints about delivery of backer content with production of the webcomic, which is administratively nothing to do with the Kickstarter, also completely undermines any validity the point might once have had. And given that there have been a lot of people outright scammed through Kickstarter, and that it's well-known that one-man-band businesses have a tendency to struggle to deliver on successful campaigns and even go under as a result, it seems bizarre to target someone who is clearly making a good faith effort to deliver everything promised long after many would have given up. Especially to do so on the occasion of their delivering something. They're in need of a reality check, rather.