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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Kickstarter Discussion Thread - How the Paladin Got His Scar (SPOILERS!)

    Quote Originally Posted by SaintRidley View Post
    I fail to see how that narrows down any potential political caricature to even one side of the political spectrum, when exactly that pattern of behavior and language can and does come, quite loudly, from all corners. You don't have to be a fascist to be a misogynist jerk talking nice out one side of your mouth while literally handing down oppression with your fists. Communists, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, anarchists, completely apolitical people - this is literally found in every conceivable political (or nonpolitical) group.
    You can find that behavior in many groups.

    But you only score political status points by accusing specific groups of that behavior, and using that accusation to justify an all-consuming contempt toward them. Telling lies about how Communists really hate women and everything they say is a lie to justify their hatred of women is not something people all sit in Twitter circles and do for each other.

    When someone makes a point of "Look at how bad and contemptible this character is! He claims that evil women-haters are not his responsibility, but it's just a cover for how he hates women!" you can say with one hundred percent confidence they are not talking about Communists. You know exactly why they are talking about. We all do. The people for whom empathy must never be extended; the people whom everyone must express contempt and hatred for, even and especially if those same people talk about how we need empathy and understanding.
    Last edited by Huitzil; 2017-05-16 at 10:10 PM.