Quote Originally Posted by Huitzil View Post

You probably do not remember, but a scant few years ago, gay marriage was not the pure cause of popular people, and was ridiculed as a fringe position. One way of ridiculing it was to assert that proponents of gay marriage wanted people to be able to marry dogs. That wasn't true, it was a lie. It was a lie that was repeatedly told. It was a lie that we could notice "Hey, people are telling this lie."

Imagine that period never ended. Imagine there was a comic where one head of a monster wanted to marry a dog, and the other head said "I have nothing to do with that, that doesn't represent me, I have no obligation to stop it, I wish you would just engage with what I am saying", and then when pressed revealed that it, too, wanted to marry dogs, and was just lying by claiming not to be related to the other head's desires.
They did that in the comic. It turned out that what the head was saying was just a smokescreen, as is often the case when one person tries to make excuses for why their actions don't cause pain to the people being hurt by their actions. It's gaslighting, which is an abuse tactic. There's nothing to engage. There's no there there. Because it's all a distraction. The correct solution in such a situation is not to accept what's being said, but to get around it and expose what their intentions really are.

The ettin is evil. He uses tactics common to abusive people in order to distract from the point, which is the harm he causes. His attempts at drawn-out pseudologic are designed to trip people up and make them accept what he's saying, despite the fact that it's all lies designed to allow him to continue bringing pain. He also happens, when pushed, to resort to an insult rooted in misogyny as a way of showing what he's like without the facade.

If at any point you thought the ettin's pseudologic was compelling, you're gullible. If you sympathize with him, you should take this as an occasion to reconsider why - because there is no universe in which this ettin, from his first lines, is even remotely representative of anything good. And there are people in this world who do this - and they are bad people. Calling bad people bad by making evil characters who mirror their traits is not a bad thing. Completely looney tunes thinking to come to the conclusion that it is.