Quote Originally Posted by AceOfFools View Post
The thing about including always evil races is that invites comparison to troubling real-world beliefs.
Yeah, in the same way cop-killing in GTA invites comparison to real cop-killings, and evil cultists in D&D invite comparison to Devil worship.

The issue with such comparisons is that they're skin-deep. The evidence for high-fantasy tropes causing or reinforcing racism/fascism/imperialism is as thin as the evidence for cop-killings increasing by 1500% after GTA was released, or D&D causing a resurgence of paganastic human sacrifice.

People who make these comparisons need to get over themselves or they need to get me a study showing something like "orc-murder makes roleplayers 58% more prone to committing hate crimes".

Before they do, they belong to the exact same caste as video game alarmists and Satanic panickers.


Quote Originally Posted by veti View Post
Doesn't that rather undercut your previous assertion? Specifically:
Nope. Consider the comparison to cops in GTA. If you're trying to get ahead in the game, it's reasonable to avoid doing things which piss off the cops, lest the cops get angry and gang up on you. So people trying to get ahead in the game usually leave the cops alone. This doesn't stop these same people from going on a cop-murdering spree for cheap giggles every once in a while.

It's the same for genociding monsters. If "monsters are people", people may leave them unmurdered because some other approach gets them ahead in the game faster. (Though they might decide to kill them anyway for XP or cheap giggles.) Genocide is not considered because it's not pragmatic; not because people at the table is morally queasy about considering genocide.