Cirra - Royal Palace

While he was no stranger to unknown species, this one was peculiar, if only in its familiarity. It looked like an Arcosian, but not of any subspecies that he had ever seen. Perhaps an example of covergent evolution? Then he will be at least as resilient.

Apfel glanced about. Everyone, from ordinary guards to clerks lay still on the floor. He knew they were still alive, but they were going to be used as living shields...! Bastard. If nobody has died yet, then this is your chance. Walk away. Now. He said. If you wish to lay terms than so shall I. If anyone else dies in our battle through collateral damage, then the Galactic Assassins will need a new #2. Which is why if you wish to surrender now, I will pursue no vendetta, and you will be free to go.

Any good assassin studies their target, correct? Then you would know my strength, my abilities, that I am unbeatable in one on one...
He trailed off, realizing something was terribly wrong. His strength in 1v1 combat is hardly a secret, so if this assassin were smart, he would bring assistance. He literally needed to watch his back, now. Where is he? Apfel asked.