Quote Originally Posted by ellindsey View Post
Spoiler: Lars

Of all the directions I thought that might go, Lars getting killed off, then reanimated as a gem magic powered zombie was not one of them.

Wonder what would happen if Lars (presumably after making it back to Earth somehow) tried to enter Lion's mane? And then, if that didn't break something, made his way over to the second tree and tried to exit there?
Spoiler: Lars
Maybe Lars can't enter Lion's mane because they now share the same pocket-dimensional space?

Quote Originally Posted by Phexar View Post
Following up on the giant figure... playing around with an image of it reveals more detail on it:
Spoiler: Giant Figure
That is, someone inverted the colors on it which makes it clearer how it looks.

Also someone used Photoshop's gamma slider to highlight the lack of arms: http://i.imgur.com/NBzxN4E.png
Spoiler: Giant Figure
Hmm, no arms on that... maybe that's where the gem ships dock?