Quote Originally Posted by Beelzebub1111 View Post
I swear, these are the kind of hairstyles that they are going to look back on in 20 years and say "Oh god, what was I thinking?"

It's the modern equivalent of a mullet or the Farrah Fawcett. People will see this in 20 years time and say "Wow, did people really wear their hair like that in the 2010s?"
Probably. Fashion tends to look dumb after it changed though - the beehive was respected in its time and now looks ludicrous, tights, codpieces, and ruffled collars were a think in men's wear for a while that looks completely absurd to modern eyes, dresses with elaborate metal frameworks were around for a while and look absurd to modern eyes, so on and so forth. It's the fairly minimalist stuff that tends to hold up best, and even then there's exceptions (tonsures are pretty easy and practical, but they're not exactly stylish).