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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Re: D&D Aangvanced (Avatar: The Last Airbender Screencap Comic)

    So it looks like we might be seeing more of Tom's history here too? Also getting some adversarial vibes between him and Janine.

    Mary Weers is developing into quite the villain here. The YM events have a sort of cockfight element to them that's a little disturbing (like she's gathering all the top young players together and watching them fight for title) and you combine that with her Smoking Man thing of quietly shutting down table after table...Poor Damien. His childhood didn't stand a chance.

    Kind of expecting hoping her first appearance to be as Queen Beryl and/or Metaria.
    Last edited by aurilee; 2017-06-13 at 02:58 PM. Reason: formatting
    Quote Originally Posted by Quibbilcious View Post
    She brings the lightning to the sky,
    the waves onto the shore,
    the rain and the thunder
    and the dark cloud's roar...


    Only certainty in life: When icy jaws of death come, you will not have had enough treats. Nod. Get treat.

    BAM! Doomsealed!!

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