Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Demonking View Post
Is that not suggesting that 'some help' would be sufficient when there's no reason to assume that's true? is that not essentially what Andi did "Bandana, we've got damage all over the ship! We need to turn it around' only without the dishonesty of suggesting that she only needed a little help.
Asking for "some help" would still be a hell of a lot better then doing nothing. If you're forced to eat ten thousand cookies, you're still going to make more progress by getting one guy to eat them with you then you are by eatting none at all.

What was broken near her that she should have been repairing as she talked. Or are you refering to hoping somebody runs pass whatever she if repairing and grabbing their attention as they rush by and she continues to repair?
The engines she was complaining about, the propellers she was complaining about, the fuel she was complaining about...

And yeah? the only place people weren't at was on the main deck with the giants. shouldn't be too hard to get the attention of someone who's just hiding.