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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World V

    [Hueco Mundo]
    (The Hive)

    "Hm," is the only thing Nuala has to say about the situation. Clearly there is some unresolved history, here. It's none of her business, though. As far as she is concerned, Nuala had been attacked on approach. Excellent. Beneath her mask, her face splits into a wild grin even as the new cero speeds toward them.

    Practically vanishing from the balcony, she releases her enhanced cero on the same trajectory as the new one came from, and comes to rest on the floor of the immense auditorium. Green light like water splashes off her feet and legs, and more gathers along her body. Newly acquired zanpakuto in both hands, she makes a dash for the direction of the Hollow's voice.
    Last edited by Ammutseba; 2017-06-19 at 08:57 PM.