* [Changeling: The Lost] My GM frowns on any character who can "Scooby doo" the Huntsman and survive. ( "Hey, what's that behind you?" "What?" "Yoink!")
* Discouraged from ruining the GM's punny fun by guessing the pun twist before he reveals it. (Charging Clock faced monsters that explode and leave no trace of the person they exploded on...)

* If I use the phrase "I think I'll be funny and start with the Fame Merit on [character name], my freshly escaped changeling", the previous GM for that character should at least hide his smile from the new GM.

[D&D 3.5] As the Gm, I should avoid ever putting a 15 year old girl who is a Wizard 5 / Alienist 7 again. The Knight did not enjoy being Retributive Polymorphed into a pink fluffy bunny.

Spoiler: Answers for the less versed in Contracts
Time Bombs. They explode and activate the "Leaping Toward Nightfall" Clause, sending you forward in time.