Turns out my first games of 8th are going to be Saturday night after hours rather than the Sunday open play, though for the beer and pretzels thing they're doing the shop has set 50 power in a single Patrol detachment (don't ask me why). Turns out that's a real bear to do in Guard without taking ALL THE TANKS since the infantry is so cheap and there are so few slots.

Patrol Detachment - 50 Power

Company Commander - 3
-Power fist

Primaris Psyker - 2
-Psychic Barrier, Terrifying Visions

Command Squad - 3
-Medi-pack, vox-caster
-Heavy flamer, plasma gun

Commissar - 2
-Power fist

Infantry Squad - 3
-Flamer, lascannon
-Power sword

Infantry Squad - 3
-Flamer, lascannon

Infantry Squad - 3
-Flamer, autocannon

Hellhound Squadron - 15
-Hellhound - 5
--Heavy flamer
-Hellhound - 5
--Heavy flamer
-Hellhound - 5
--Heavy flamer

Leman Russ Battle Tank - 11
-Heavy bolter sponsons

Wyvern - 5