Quote Originally Posted by dehro View Post
what manner of idiocy is this??
... says the poster without using an initial capital, and using a doubled punctuation mark...

Quote Originally Posted by dehro View Post
how do you get through your education with any level of degree when you can't tell the difference between you're and your?? I have not been in school for about 2 decades but.. don't negative marks mean anything anymore? I am pretty sure that if I didn't know how to write a flawless sentence, albeit a stupid one, my teachers back in the day would have failed me often and hard enough for me to be held back a year..
Teachers in most subjects that aren't English have, for a long time, been first actively discouraged, and more recently explicitly forbidden, from marking students down for simple errors in spelling and grammar. The student is expected to "show understanding" of their subject, and everything else is excluded.

(It's tempting to blame the National Curriculum for this, but the inconvenient truth is, the movement was under way long before then. It was already a hot topic by the late 70s, when I got to secondary school.)

Quote Originally Posted by dehro View Post
... spelling attrocities...