I think I might have to do some sort of Scout/Jump Pack Marine army.

Needing to have 'the most' models on an Objective is currently doing my head in, as I can't seem to get Orks, Cultists or Guard off of any Objectives, for my 5-man Marine squads to be able to cap anything. The only 'spammable' unit that Marines have, are Scouts. My Scouts so far have been performing admirably, and Land Speeder Storms with <Fly> are getting it done. My Bike models are consistently letting me down, as models in multi-storey terrain pieces can't be Charged, and if they have even remotely decent guns (IG Heavy Weapon Squads), the guns can shoot the Bikes all day without too much reprisal. Our meta has already gone into 'Objectives have infinite height and infinite depth' mode, because that actually severely punishes people who actually like models that can't climb stairs.

So...Yeah. I'm going to try some sort of Codex Marine Scouts-in-Land Speeder Storms and Blood Angels list for the next few weeks. I really like that a Blood Angel Command Squad can <Fly> and every single one of them is equipped with a Special Weapon. More abuses of the <Fly> Keyword has actually made me realise that Inceptors aren't totally terrible, but they are still overcosted...So, wait...Yeah, they're still totally terrible.