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Thread: BAB or HD to initiative

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Re: BAB or HD to initiative

    Quote Originally Posted by Quertus View Post
    Pretty much this.

    If I couldn't brew my own, and had to create math using existing variables, I think I'd go with... Hmmm... Class / HD contribution to Reflex Save (hereafter referred to as "Base Reflex Save"), limit (CR / 2)? No, that gives mindless 20 HD zombies a boost to initiative.

    Hmmm... 2nd try: (Base Reflex Save - Base Reflex Save of a Wizard of your HD*) x 2, limit CR. This gives Wizards no bonus, and gives Dragons an initiative boost - bug or feature? Oh, but it gives Fighters no bonus, either.

    Third try: the larger of (the difference between your BAB and an equal HD Wizard's BAB, or twice the difference between your Base Reflex Save and that of a Wizard of your HD), limited by your CR.

    * note that epic progression makes this a penalty for the 40HD Zombie, which I consider a feature.
    I see you hate wizards above all else, but I'd like to remind you Clerics and Druids have Rogue BAB. Contrary to what you seem to think, those classes are way easier to break than a Wizard, for even if you mess up the whole character creation, they're still decent characters. Hell, a Druid is better than most things even without his spellcasting, thanks to his pocket Fighter.

    Any change you make based on HD will give monsters a huge advantage. Any change based on saves will favor Dragons. Any "I hate wizards" approach doesn't do much to divine casters. The best I've seen until now is the idea of creating Init bonuses based on class just like BAB, and then give monsters 1/2 or 3/4 CR. Monster-related BAB is usually 3/4 HD, so it makes sense.

    Also, shouldn't this be in the Homebrewing board?
    Last edited by Kayblis; 2017-06-27 at 03:51 PM.