A Race Through Dark Places

The Psi Cop Bester visits the station searching for an underground railroad of rogue telepaths.

Dr. Franklin's Poor non-arc--Sigh, poor Doc Franklin. He almost gets something to do and an arc, for all most a whole episode. Then it's gone. Too bad they could not have given him the arc over a couple episodes, at least.

“In temple we spend one whole year studying humor.” I can’t imagine anything worse than Minbari humor training.

Things that don't Make Sense

The Rent Sub Plot- Ok, so it's sort of funny, but it does not make sense. How is it that only Sheridan and Ivanova have the executive quarters? Do Garabaldi and Dr. Franklin live in smaller quarters for some reason? Or does security and medical have special budgets apart from the command budget? B5 has a crew of what..thousands? Do they all pay rent? And in any case are not Sheridan and Ivanova's quarters in ''Blue Sector'' or otherwise a ''sector'' for ''Earth Force Command only'' ?

The far away Outer Colonies- So, um, why can't Psi Core go to the outer Colonies? As colonies they are still part of Earth right, and are subject to Earth Gov laws, right?

Ivanova's check the files- Um,Ivanova is all like ''check the files'' on Bester to Sheridan. But even if he did, he would just get the boring ''official'' file, right? He won't get the real details. The official file won't say ''we tricked Bester and forced him to do things our way'' right? So why does not Ivanova fill him in?

Telekinetic Talia- Oh, yea, remember how she is a telekinetic now?

Mind Blank Talia- Well, I guess her new protection power makes a false mind right, because Bester would know if he was being blocked or could not scan her, right?

The Telepathic Projection- It's odd Bester falls for this. The first big give away is ''Rambo Talia'', where she pulls out a PPG and slaughters people like a cold blooded killer. Bit of a stretch? Sure even if Bester ''does not know her'' I think the average five year old could tell you Talia is not a killer and has likely never shot a gun before ever. Also you have the problem of Bester's PPG. Like when he gets back to his quarters he'd discover he did not ''shoot any rounds'' or the ''power pack is full''.

Final-C, The show comes across as a trifling episode, a case-of-the-week affair where a villain shows up, causes a bit of chaos, forces the heroes to fix things, and the show reverts to the status quo.