Quote Originally Posted by Rodin View Post
Sheridan and Ivanova are officers - Captain and Commander. Garibaldi doesn't have a rank that I can recall (he's always introduced as "Mr. Garibaldi" to Earth Force visitors). Dr. Franklin also doesn't have a rank given in the show that I know of, so he likely is outside the command structure too. I think the only other officer we see is Lieutenant Corwyn, and he presumably got charged rent by the order as well. Sheridan and Ivanova just don't know him as well so he doesn't get roped into the shenanigans. Presumably there are other officers as well who also got charged rent, but we don't see them.

Most of the crew are likely enlisted, and so would already have been in the smaller quarters. A lot of the dock workers and such appear to be private contractors, given the various negotiations we see throughout the show.
For ''command staff'' B5 would have a bunch of people from ''ensign'' or whatever the lowest rank is and at least a couple ranks between that and commander. But I'd guess they all get the 5 x 5 closet quarters.

Garibaldi's rank is given as Cheif Warrant Officer plenty of times. And he ''part'' of the command staff. Still you'd think he'd have the ''executive quarters '' too. Dr Franklins um ''rank'' is chief medical officer, and he would really most likely get executive quarters.