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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Post Re: Base Class Contest XXXX - Happy Little Accidents

    Antiquarian Artifacts
    Antiquarians may choose from the following list of artifacts.

    Bow of Purification
    Slot: None
    School: Abjuration, Conjuration (Healing)
    Weight: 1 lbs.
    Description: The Bow of Purification is a shortbow made of darkwood that has the ability to bestow magical power upon the arrows it fires. The arrows fires from this bow glow with an otherworldly light.
    Base Power: Enemies hit by the Bow of Purification take additional force damage equal to the antiquarian’s Wisdom modifier while allies hit by the arrows are unharmed and gain 1d6 + the antiquarian’s Wisdom modifier in temporary hit points. An antiquarian automatically succeeds at hitting willing allies with the arrow just as any beneficial touch spell.
    Essence: For each point of essence the antiquarian possesses the bow gains a +1 sacred bonus to attack rolls and deals 2 additional points of force damage on all damage rolls. If the bow is used to bestow temporary hit points, those hit points increase by 2 for each point of essence the antiquarian possesses.
    Ancient Power: The Bow of Purification’s ancient power allows the wielder to create and fire a single arrow of pure force that explodes upon impact. As a standard action the wielder can fire an arrow that deals all its damage as force damage. Whether the arrow hits or misses it explodes and deals its damage to all creatures within 30 ft.

    Grimorie of the Antediluvians
    Slot: None
    School: Evocation, Necromancy
    Weight: 3 lbs.
    Description: The Grimorie is an ancient tome filled with numerous notes on the nature of magic and Spellcraft written in a language that hasn’t been spoken since the dawn of civilization. It is delicate and feels like it might fall apart in moments if not for magical reinforcements keeping its aging pages together.
    Base Power: The wielder of this tome may animate a body (as the animate dead spell), but applies an addition hit die to their creation at the antiquarian’s 3rd level and every level thereafter. Undead created by this tome are neutral creatures, and becomes dormant, taking no actions if no one wields the grimorie. If a new undead is animated with the grimorie while an older creation still exists, the older creation’s alignment changes to neutral evil and it seeks out nearby living creatures to kill until it is destroyed.
    Essence: For each point of essence, the undead animated by the grimoire gains a +1 sacred bonus to AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls as well the toughness feat.
    Ancient Power: The Grimoire of the Antidelivusan’s ancient power allows the wielder cast a small number of spells. The wielder gains the ability to cast the following spells, once per day, if they have the appropriate amount of essence. The save DC for their spells are based on the Antiquarian’s Intelligence

    Antediluvians Spells
    Essence Spell
    Read Magic
    Death Knell
    Speak with Dead
    Death Ward
    Slay Living
    Undeath to Death
    Symbol of Death
    Wail of the Banshee

    Staff of the Great Circle
    Slot: None
    School: Transmutation
    Weight: 6 lbs.
    Description: The Staff of the Great Circle is a plain quarterstaff that appears to have been roughly crafted from the branch of a great tree, but is in fact made of petrified wood.
    Base Power: The staff deals damage as if it were two sizes larger than it actually is (1d8 for a small creature, 2d6 for a medium creature), and once per day it can be used to cast entangle with a radius of 15 ft. (instead of 40) and a DC of 15 (instead of 20).
    Essence: For each point of essence the antiquarian possess the DC for the initial reflex save against the entangling effect is increased by 1. For every odd point of essence the antiquarian possesses, the staff of the great circle gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage. For every even point of essence the antiquarian possess, the staff gains a +1 bonus to the DC to break free of its entangle ability and the radius expands by 5 ft.
    Ancient Power: The Staff of the Great Circle’s ancient power allows the wielder to imbue up to 2d4 berries with healing power once per day (similar to the goodberry spell). Each of these berries restores a number of hit points equal to 2 x the antiquarian’s level. Additionally, the antiquarian may cast entangle a number of additional times each day equal to their essence.

    Helm of Mind Protection
    Slot: Head
    School: Abjuration
    Weight: 1 lbs.
    Description: The Helm of Mind Protection is a full helmet made out of a brass and decorated with peridots along the crown. The helmet hums pleasantly when struck even to the wearer’s ear.
    Base Power: The Helm of Mind Protection allows its wearer to keep a clear mind in combat, providing a +2 bonus against mind-affecting abilities and illusions.
    Essence: Each point of essence the antiquarian possesses reduces the duration of mind-affecting spells and abilities cast on the wearer by 1 round. An effect with a duration of 0 or less rounds is negated. At 10 essence, the wearer becomes immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.
    Ancient Power: Every time the wearer succeeds on a saving against a mind-affecting ability or is otherwise unaffected due to a reduction in duration or immunity, the ability is reflected back on to the caster, treating the wearer as the caster and the caster as the target.

    Oracle’s Circlet
    Slot: Head
    School: Divination
    Weight: -
    Description: The Oracle Circlet is a simple band of silver with a polished diamond in the center that gleams with a rainbow of light.
    Base Power: The wearer of the circlet may glimpse into the future, allowing them to cast Divination as a spell-like ability once each day using their character level as their caster level.
    Essence: Each point of essence the antiquarian possesses grants the wearer a +1 sacred bonus to their initiative.
    Ancient Power: The Oracle’s Circlet’s ancient power augments its future sight. The wielder adds a 1% chance to the success of their divination for each point of essence (to a maximum of 70% base chance, 20% chance from caster level, and 10% chance from essence, resulting in an always correction prediction). Additionally, the wielder of the circlet cast Divination three times per day, instead of only once.

    Lens of Truesight
    Slot: Head
    School: Divination
    Weight: -
    Description: The Lens of Truesight is a powerful artifact that allows the wielder to see the world as it truly is. It appears as a circular disk of crystal clear glass contained in a well-worn set of goggles, spectacles or a monocle.
    Base Power: The wearer of the Lens of Truesight gains gain the ability to identify the magical properties of any item with an hour of examination (as the identify spell).
    Essence: The wearer gains truesight (as the true seeing spell) with a range of 5 ft. per point of essence the antiquarian possesses.
    Ancient Power: The Lens of Truesight ancient power allows the wearer treats creatures within their area of true sight as being flat-footed unless the creature has uncanny dodge or similar abilities.

    Amulet of Eternal Life
    Slot: Neck
    School: Transmutation, Necromancy
    Weight: 1/2 lb.
    Description: The Amulet of Eternal Life is a golden chain and setting that holds a blood red crystal whose insides seem to swish as if it was a glass imitation filled with liquid.
    Base Power: The wearer of this amulet does not suffer penalties from old age, any penalties previously incurred are removed. The wearer of this amulet cannot die from old age.
    Essence: Each point of essence the antiquarian possess the wearer gains 1d6 temporary hit points that last until the end of the day.
    Ancient Power: The Amulet of Eternal Life’s ancient power provides the wisdom of ancients to the wearer. The wearer gains a +2 bonus to all their mental ability scores plus an additional +2 bonus for every 5 essence they possess. This bonus does not stack with the bonuses from age.

    Amulet of Deep Ones
    Slot: Neck
    School: Transmutation
    Weight: 1/2 lbs.
    Description: The Amulet of Deep Ones is a bronze chain and setting that holds a blue-green gem. The gemstone always seems wet to the touch and the chain and setting seems to always be on the verge of tarnishing no matter how skillfully restored.
    Base Power: The wearer of the Amulet of Deep Ones can breathe and fight underwater without the normal penalties involved.
    Essence: Each point of essence the antiquarian possesses the wearer gains a +1 racial bonus to Swim checks.
    Ancient Power: The Amulet of Water Breathing’s ancient power gives the wearer a swim speed of 30 ft.

    Heart of the Lich
    Slot: Neck
    School: Necromancy
    Weight: -
    Description: The Heart of the Lich is an ancient phylactery that still brims with spiritual power, it can take a variety of forms but the most common in a small square locket that has been painstaking sealed, leaving its innermost contents to the imagination.
    Base Power: The wearer of this amulet possess an aura of fear that effects all living creatures within 30 ft. of them. Any living creature of equal or lesser HD who enters or starts their turn in the affected area becomes shaken for 1d4 rounds. A creature may only be effected by this ability once per day, a creature who succeeds on their save does not need to make another save for 24 hours.
    Essence: For each point of essence the antiquarian possesses the wearer gains DR 1/Bludgeoning and Magic.
    Ancient Power: The Heart of the Lich’s ancient powers allows it to function as a phylactery for its wearer. When the wearer dies, they are returned to life within 24 hours. Additionally, the wearer gains immunity to any effects the attempt to steal their soul.

    Cloak of the Dragon
    Slot: Shoulders
    School: Abjuration, Transmutation
    Weight: 2 lbs.
    Description: The Cloak of the Dragon is a massive flowing piece of leather and silk that is covered in glimmering blue dragon scales. The cloak acquires static electricity fairly easily and is likely to shock anyone who touches it after being unattended for only a few moments.
    Base Power: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to natural armor and resist 5 electricity.
    Essence: Each point of essence the antiquarian possesses grants the wearer and additional +1 bonus to natural armor and increases their electricity resistance by 5.
    Ancient Power: The Cloak of the Dragon’s ancient power allows the wearer to transform the cloak into a pair of dragon wings, granting them to fly at a speed of 60 ft. with good maneuverability. For every point of essence the antiquarian possesses this fly speed is increase by 5 ft.

    Cloak of the Night
    Slot: Shoulders
    School: Illusion
    Weight: 1 lbs.
    Description: The Cloak of Night is a dull grey cloth filled with holes and loose strands. The strange material it’s made of appears to fade out of existence towards the bottom of the cloak, with the ends existing in an ethereal state mystically tethered to the more material beginnings.
    Base Power: The wearer gains a +2 bonus to hide and move silently rolls. As a full round action, the wearer can activate the cloak’s magic to become semi-invisible while in area of dim light, allowing them to make a hide check without cover or concealment. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to the wearer’s essence.
    Essence: Each point of essence the antiquarian possesses grants the wearer a further +1 bonus to hide and move silently rolls.
    Ancient Power: The Cloak of Night’s ancient powers allows the wearer to use the cloak’s magic to become completely invisible as a full round action, maintaining invisibility for a number of rounds equal to the wearer’s essence. The wearer loses this invisibility whenever they attack a creature, cast a spell, or take damage.

    Cloak of Deflection
    Slot: Shoulders
    School: Abjuration [Force]
    Weight: -
    Description: The Cloak of Deflection is a flowing transparent garment with a strange and otherworldly intelligence. Though it seems to have no desires or personality of its own, it swiftly reacts to protect its wearer from attacks, catching blades and throwing enemies off balance.
    Base Power: The wearer gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC. Additionally, whenever an enemy misses the wearer’s AC by 2 or less with a melee attack the enemy becomes flat-footed.
    Essence: Each point of essence the antiquarian possesses grants the wearer a further +1 bonus to AC as well as increases the maximum number a melee attack can miss by before triggering the cloak’s additional effect by 1.
    Ancient Power: The Cloak of Deflection’s ancient power reflects rays and arrows back at their attacker rendering a foe flat-footed on ranged attacks, as well as melee, when they miss the wearer by an amount equal to lesser than the cloak’s deflection bonus.

    Armor of the Dungeoneer
    Slot: Body
    School: Conjuration
    Weight: 13 lbs.
    Description: The Armor of the Dungeoneer is a light-weight set of tough leather armor stitched with additional extradimensional pockets. The armor feels spacious and breezy even when tightly fit to a wearer.
    Base Power: Each of the Armor of the Dungeoneer’s eight pockets can hold 20 pounds or 2 cubic feet of volume. Because the items held in these pockets exist in an extra dimensional space they do not weigh down the wearer. Additionally, the wearer can retrieve any item stored in one of these pockets as a swift action.
    Essence: For every odd point of essence the antiquarian possesses the armor gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its armor bonus, and for every even point of essence the antiquarian possesses, the armor grants its wearer a +1 dodge bonus to AC.
    Ancient Power: The Armor of the Dungeoneer’s ancient power allows the wearer of the armor extraordinary swiftness. The wearer gains evasion. If they already possess evasion they gain improved evasion.

    Field Medic’s Plate
    Slot: Body
    School: Conjuration (Healing)
    Weight: 26 lbs.
    Description: This light-weight breastplate appears to be made of meteoric iron and cephalopod leather and possesses the holy symbol of an ancient and alien god of healing emblazoned on the front of it. When worn by a cleric or paladin or similar character the symbol twists and squirms like alien tendrils before adopting the symbol of their faith.
    Base Power: The wearer of this armor emits an aura that immediately stabilizes all creatures who are dying within 30 ft. of the wearer. The wearer can provide first aid to a creature with 0 or less hit points to immediately restore them to 1 hit point.
    Essence: For each odd point of essence the antiquarian possesses the armor gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its armor bonus. For each even point of essence the antiquarian possesses, the armor grants its wearer fast healing 1.
    Ancient Power: The Field Medic’s Plate’s ancient power gives the wearer the ability to bring people back from the brink of death. Whenever the wearer provides first aid to a creature they gain 2d6 hit points per point of essence the antiquarian possesses. When the wearer has provided first aid to a number of creatures equal to the Antiquarian’s current essence this ability is exhausted (though it may no remain so if the Antiquarian gains more essence).

    Robe of Spell Mastery
    Slot: Body
    School: Abjuration, Divination
    Weight: 4 lbs.
    Description: The robe of spell mastery is a flowing azure robe made of fine silk and stitched with strange runes and swirling abstract tendrils that seem to shift their placement whenever no one is watching.
    Base Power: The wearer of the robe of spell mastery gains spell resistance 10 + the antiquarian’s essence + the antiquarian's Intelligence modifier. Any spell negated by the wearer is automatically identified by the antiquarian.
    Essence: In addition to increases the spell resistance of the robe, the wearer gains a +1 bonus to all Spellcraft skill checks for each point of essence the antiquarian possesses.
    Ancient Power: The Robe of Spell Mastery’s ancient power allows it to negate even the most powerful spells. The robe’s spell resistance now applies to all spells that target the wearer, their possessions, or an area in which they are present, even those that normally don’t apply spell resistance.

    Bracers of the Magician
    Slot: Hands
    School: Universal
    Weight: 1/2 lbs.
    Description: These bracers appear to be made of a strange green leather that feels moist and spongey to the touch. They’re remarkable resistant to electricity and acid but stiffen uncomfortable when exposed to cold.
    Base Power: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Sleight of Hand, and Use Magic Device checks. Additionally the wearer gains a number of spells per day equal to the antiquarian’s essence, as details on the table below. They wearer does not gain bonus spell slots due to having a high casting ability. These bonus spells per day can be used to cast any spell the wearer knows of the appropriate level, but they do not learn any spells from the Bracers themselves.
    Essence: In addition to providing spell slots, the wearer gains a further +1 bonus to Sleight of Hand and Use Magic device checks for each point of essence the antiquarian possesses.
    Ancient Power: The Bracers of the Magician’s ancient powers grants the wearer gains two additional spells per day for each level of spell they can cast from the bracers.

    Magician Spells Per Day
    Essence 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

    Gauntlets of Heroic Might
    Slot: Hands
    School: Transmutation
    Weight: 1 lbs.
    Description: These ancient gauntlets are hard, crafted from the bone or shell of some ancient and bizarre creature. And yet they feel strangely comfortable to wear, like an old familiar pair of gloves one hasn’t touched for a few years.
    Base Power: The wearer gains a +1 enhancement bonus to their Strength. This bonus is counted twice for determining carrying capacity.
    Essence: For every two points of essence the Antiquarian possesses, the wearer gains a further +1 bonus to Strength.
    Ancient Power: The Gauntlets of Heroic Might’s ancient power grants the wearer the skill at arms of ancient heroes. The wearer gains proficiency in all martial weapons, and treat their BAB as equal to the Antiquarian’s level (if higher).

    Gloves of the Pugilist
    Slot: Hands
    School: Transmutation
    Weight: 1/2 lbs.
    Description: These leather gauntlets are worn down, marked with scuff marks and scars and scratches that resist even the most talented efforts at restoration.
    Base Power: The wearer gains Improved Unarmed Strike as bonus feat, and increases their unarmed strike damage to 1d8. Unarmed strikes made with these gauntlets are always treated as magic.
    Essence: For each odd point of essence the Antiquarian possesses, the wearer gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls with their unarmed strikes. For every even point of essence the Antiquarian possesses, the wearer gains a +1 bonus to grapple checks.
    Ancient Power: The Gloves of the Pugilist’s ancient power allows the wearer’s unarmed strikes to be treated as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and ignore the hardness of objects.

    Ring of Elementalist
    Slot: Ring
    School: Evocation
    Weight: -
    Description: This shining orichalcum ring has a transparent glass bead set upon it like a conventional gemstone. When exposed to element energy ring burns with an intense angry energy.
    Base Power: The wearer of this ring gains the ability to catch flasks of acid, alchemist’s fire, and projectiles made from conjured energy (such as Orb of Acid but not Scorching Ray) once per round as long as they have a free hand. Caught objects may be dropped, stowed or used as normal, they do not detonate. Stowed or dropped magical energy is dispelled.
    Essence: For each point of essence the antiquarian possesses, the wearer of the Ring of the Elementalist can catch such objects one additional time each round.
    Ancient Power: The Ring of the Elementalist’s ancient power ancient power allows the wielder cast a small number of spells. The wielder gains the ability to cast the following spells, once per day, if they have the appropriate amount of essence. The save DC for their spells are based on the Antiquarian’s Intelligence.

    Elementalist Spells
    Essence Spell
    Ray of Frost
    Shocking Grasp
    Scorching Ray
    Lightning Bolt
    Ice Storm
    Cone of Cold
    Chain Lightning
    Delayed Blast Fireball
    Polar Ray
    Meteor Swarm

    Ring of the Illusionist
    Slot: Ring
    School: Illusion
    Weight: -
    Description: This simple wooden ring possesses shifting runes of black paint. When it isn’t worn it projection a duplicate image of itself at a random location within 400 ft.
    Base Power: The wearer of this ring gains the ability to project a single illusion (as the spell major image). The DC to disbelieve this spell is 10 + the antiquarian’s essence + the antiquarian's intelligence modifier. The wearer’s CL is equal to their antiquarian level.
    Essence: In addition to increasing the DC for the illusion granted by this spell, the antiquarian provides the wearer with a +1 bonus to will saves against illusion spells for each point of essence they possess.
    Ancient Power: The Ring of the Illusionist’s ancient power allows the wielder to take control of one illusion they can see with a spell level lesser than or equal to the the amount of essence the antiquarian possesses. The original caster of the illusion must succeed on a Will Save (DC equal to the save for the base power) or have the illusion brought under the wearer’s control and they are treated as the caster for the spell’s remaining duration. The wearer can only control a single illusion with the ring at one time (either stolen or created by the ring).

    Paladin’s Ring
    Slot: Ring
    School: Conjuration (Healing)
    Weight: -
    Description: This glimmering silver ring is set with a dull sapphire that springs to life when it comes into contact with blood or fresh wounds, shimmering with alien energy.
    Base Power: The wearer may heal a total number of hit points equal to the antiquarian’s level x the antiquarian’s Intelligence bonus. They may choose to divide the healing between multiple recipients and it doesn’t have to use it all at once. Using this ability is a standard action.
    Essence: For each point of essence the antiquarian possesses, the healing available increases by 10.
    Ancient Power: The Paladin’s Ring’s ancients power allows the wearer to cure a living creature of all diseases they’re suffering from (as the remove disease spell) once per day as a standard action.

    Ring of Undead Kinship
    Slot: Ring
    School: Necromancy
    Weight: -
    Description: This thorny iron ring bites into the flesh when donned.
    Base Power: The ring alters the wearer’s life force, causing positive energy to harm them and negative energy to heal them. The wearer is ignored by unintelligent undead unless an intelligent force specifically orders them to attack the wearer. Additionally, all undead start with an attitude one step friendlier to the wearer.
    Essence: For each point of essence the wearer possesses they gain a +1 bonus to mind-affecting abilities, diseases, and poisons.
    Ancient Power: The Ring of Undead Kinship’s ancient power allows the wearer to heal undead with a touch, as the Paladin’s Ring’s default ability.

    Ring of Essence Gathering
    Slot: Ring
    School: Universal
    Weight: -
    Description: This glass ring glows with a yellow-orange light proportional to the wearer’s essence.
    Base Power: The ring of essence gathering allow the wearer to steal essence from nearby creatures. As an immediate action, the wearer may deny a creature gaining essence the point of essence, gaining it for themselves instead. A fortitude save negates this effect. The DC is equal to 10 + the antiquarian’s essence + the antiquarian’s Intelligence modifier.
    Essence: For each point of essence the wearer possesses, they gain a +1 bonus to Listen checks, Spot checks and Spellcraft checks made to identify spells.
    Ancient Power: The Ring of Essence Gathering’s ancient power allows the wearer to gain a surge of essence. Once per day, as a swift action the wearer may gain 1d4 - 2 essence (minimum -1, a creature that gains a negative number of essence instead loses that much essence, a creature with no essence to lose gains a temporary negative level).

    Ring of the Summoner
    Slot: Ring
    School: Conjuration
    Weight: -
    Description: This adamantine ring is set with a glimmering ruby and allows the wearer to control summoned creatures. The ring emits a pulse similar to a heartbeat whenever it’s close by such a creature.
    Base Power: The wearer of this ring gains a familiar (as the Wizard and Sorcerer class feature). This familiar has the extraplanar subtype and is banished back to its home plane when the ring is removed. If the familiar would die it is instead banished and may be summoned again at full health the next day at no cost.
    Essence: For each point of essence the antiquarian possesses, the skill bonus granted by most familiars increases by 1. If the familiar grants a bonus to hit points, that bonus increases by 3. Finally, if the familiar grants a bonus to a particular save, that bonus increases by 1 for every two points the Antiquarian possesses.
    Ancient Power: The Ring of the Summoner’s ancient power allows the wearer to take control of a summoned creature. As a standard action the wearer may enslave a summoned creature, requiring the summoner to make a Will Save (DC 10 + the antiquarian’s essence + the antiquarian’s Intelligence modifier) or have the spell that brought the creature into existence brought under the control of the wearer.

    Force Boots
    Slot: Feet
    School: Conjuration (Creation) [Force]
    Weight: -
    Description: These leather boots have sturdy plates made of force sewn on to them as if they were ordinary metal. The plates give an unpleasant shock to anyone who touches them.
    Base Power: The wearer of these boots gains the supernatural ability to create a temporary platform made of force beneath them. This platform is a 5 foot diameter disk that can support up to 500 lbs and last for only a single round. The boots need 1d4 round to recharge before they can make a new platform.
    Essence: For each point of essence the wearer possesses they gain a +1 bonus to Jump and Balance checks.
    Ancient Power: The Force Boots’ ancient power allows the wearer to create multiple force platforms. For each point of essence the wearer possesses the boots can produce another temporary platform before the recharge time sets in.

    Feathered Sandals
    Slot: Feet
    School: Transmutation
    Weight: -
    Description: These simple sandals are made of an extremely light material and have pristine feathers woven into the straps. Oddly despite their thin soles the wearer can barely feel the ground beneath their feet while wearing these sandals.
    Base Power: The wearer constantly gains the benefit of the feather fall spell.
    Essence: For each point of essence the wearer possesses they grant another creature the benefits of feather fall as an immediate action.
    Ancient Power: The ancient power of the Feathered Sandals grant the wearer gains the ability to fly at a speed of 30 ft. with perfect maneuverability.

    Dwarven Boots
    Slot: Feet
    School: Transmutation [Earth]
    Weight: -
    Description: These heavy armored boots appear to have been crafted from some thick strange hide and adamantine. The boots seem to age and tarnish when exposed to bright light.
    Base Power: The wearer gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground.
    Essence: For each point of essence the antiquarian possesses the wearer may reduce the distance any successful bull rush (or similar ability) moves them by 5 feet.
    Ancient Power: The Dwarven Boot’s ancient power allows the wearer to bond with the earth. The wearer gains the earth glide ability as an earth elemental, though they do not gain the ability to see through rock and may become lost if this ability is used foolishly.
    Last edited by Knitifine; 2017-07-23 at 09:11 PM.