Quote Originally Posted by 2D8HP View Post
Please find another way than "SJW" to convey whatever it is you're trying to communicate.
"SJW" has become shorthand for "someone I disapprove of, and you should disapprove of too because you're a right-thinking person like me aren't you?" It's become a politically loaded term that's more to do with identifying one's own tribe, than taking pot-shots at the enemy (although it's handy for that too).

There are a few terms like that out there. "MSM", that's another one ("mainstream media", meaning "those media outlets that make some effort to check facts, rather than just uncritically spreading propaganda for one faction"). As a rule of thumb, when you see these terms start to be used on any forum, you can stop reading the thread and miss nothing further of value. Words like "multinationals", anything described as a "complex" or "big [insert industry segment here]" generally work the same way: they're more about signalling to political friends than actually conveying meaning.

This isn't a new phenomenon, but the internet has made it much more obvious - and annoying - than it ever was before.

Quote Originally Posted by Lissou View Post
Nope, "you" was the honorific form, "thou" was the more casual form. We think of it as an honorific nowadays because it's old-fashioned. I too used to think it was the other way around until someone corrected me.
"Casual" isn't quite right. After all, think about the context in which people mostly encounter it today (outside of Shakespeare): the King James Bible routinely uses "thou" to address God. (Which is probably where this misapprehension comes from.)

I think "intimate" would be a better word.