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Thread: Good Boxing TTRPGs?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Good Boxing TTRPGs?

    The big issues with GURPS and boxing is that a) the damage system will see someone reliably KO'd in 10 to 20 seconds and b) boxing rounds last 2 minutes.

    The GURPS forum in the Steve Jackson Games site is an excellent resource and there are a number of alternate damage systems which could be usefully applied to a boxing-themed game e.g. reduced damage for realistic ST; fractional HP damage.

    I think you'd need to go further though and use something like 10 to 30 seconds per Manoeuvre instead of 1 second, otherwise you get 120 Manoeuvres per 2 minute round, which goes back to either having very short boxing matches or an impossibly tedious game.

    Once you get to that point, you then change some basic assumptions about the combat system, you'd then want to have something more strategic and less tactical as an action e.g. player tries to pepper the enemy with light shots in order to score points; player fights defensively using reach advantage in order to gas them out and deny opportunity for powerful body shots; player attempts to close and land knockout blows etc.

    All in all, you might be better off starting off by considering exactly what you want from the game and maybe homebrewing something.
    Last edited by Mr Beer; 2017-07-03 at 11:42 PM.
    Re: 100 Things to Beware of that Every DM Should Know

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay R View Post
    93. No matter what the character sheet say, there are only 3 PC alignments: Lawful Snotty, Neutral Greedy, and Chaotic Backstabbing.