I'm thinking an LA of low +4, mostly on the back of its +6 charisma, a normal LA 0 race can expect a +2 so that puts him 4 levels ahead of its spells potency.

His saves will be F + R +3 W -1 compared to a level 11 sorcerer.

If a sorcerer puts an 18 in his intelligence he will have 98 skill points, the Rakasha has 130 if he does so, and 80 if he puts an 8 in intelligence.

Rakasha has 4 higher AC vs a humanoid sorcerer who uses Alterself- I am assuming 7 is the highest available natural armor through alter self.

Rakasha has +3/4 to hit in melee/ranged over a sorcerer

Spell resistance 27 means at level 11 most casters will need to roll a 16 to affect it.