The stallion's expression twists into a pained expression. "You misunderstand me. For now, the monster is satisfied. He has gorged on the blood of Equestria's enemies and now sleeps. For the moment, I am myself again. However..." He looks Love over with a curious expression. "I was unaware technology had advanced quite this far. Curious. I am glad to make your acquaintance, Miss Charge." He bows elegantly, with all the grace of an ancient noble from a fairy-tale. "And I am at your service. The enemies of Equestria and Luna are mine."

He rises with a coy smile. "I admit, I know something of the situation. An envoy of the Queen freed me from my cell and bragged about her...exploits. I fear I cannot confront her directly. Were she to take my mind, as she has with many others, she would wield a power far too terrible to imagine. The monster would run rampant without a leash and I cannot allow that."