Spoiler: Responses!
Quote Originally Posted by Joe the Rat View Post
DM: So once again, the absent player gets thrown under the bus.
This happens a lot in my local group. Funnier if we NPC the missing player's character and they perform a lot better. XD

Quote Originally Posted by Gallade View Post
"You spineless snitch! You know what this means? It means you don't get to ride shotgun!"
If you're gonna go LG, you gotta go Paladin to get your own mount. Otherwise, you're gonna miss out of the cool rides.

Quote Originally Posted by goto124 View Post
Creepy Village Elder: Wear this Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity. I'll cast Remove Curse once you're done.
I had randomly given out one of those in a loot pile to a group and OMG, they abused the ever-loving Ehlonna out of that belt. XD

The guys used to so they can vamp guards for info/money/favors and the ladies used it to sneak into gentlemen clubs and rob them blind. Like, how did this one curse item become their ticket to turning the team into a thieves guild? XD Eventually they got bored with it and gave it away to some random farmer. Yeah, how generous.

Moonshadow: *approached the computer, hoping to find something useful like a shiny red self-destruct button*

GM: “You're not my real dad!”
Viridia: “You'd best hope not, else you'd be half-silicone.”

GM: “The other alternative would be to reduce [Mirror Armor] to a plot object with special McGuffin powers, which is boring.”
Doc: “She has special McGuffin powers. Even says so on her character sheet’s Magic section.”
Mirror Armor’s character sheet: “Crystal Magic: Many effects, depending on the plot!

Moon: “Yeah, I get that. Doc is easy, he's a Doctor. Choro is easy, she'd study magic and artifacts. Viridia is easy, she'd be seducing mares everywhere. Stellar is much more difficult I think.”

Viridia: “Disclaimer: Viridia has been eighteen since the game started. Please do not attempt to re-create anything she's done if you're under 18, else you'll go blind!”

Choro: “Hmm... does that mean we should disguise ourselves as a comedy group? You know, if we ever need a disguise.”
Doc: *looks at what Choro is wearing*
Doc: *says nothing*