Quote Originally Posted by Erloas View Post
There are 47 set/legendary rings and CoE, F/R, ORotZ, and RoRG are pretty much the only ones that see any use outside of maybe 1 specific build.
LoN, EW, Unity, Class defensive ring (e.g. Band of Might/Halo/Elusive/etc), Class offensive ring (e.g. Skull Grasp/Emptiness/Krysbin/Manald/etc) all exist too. Every build that uses these is capable of variation while remaining viable.

If on the other hand what you want is total anarchy, where legendary powers don't matter - I do believe that would be worse for the game as a whole. Needing to hunt down specific legendaries is what keeps people playing. If you stripped those abilities off, and returned to the days where Echoing Fury or well-rolled yellows were top-tier, they would have to return to all legendaries being exceedingly rare to keep that same level of retention and engagement. Otherwise, everyone would gear up too quickly and just stop playing.

I do agree that no one class should be topping the charts the way Archon Wizard is, but I don't agree that some skills should simply be made better than others in the long run via itemization. Plus the game isn't over yet; we've seen new skills added to the meta, like Hydra getting added to Manald, and Seismic Slam getting added to Charge and Leapquake builds.