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Thread: Armor designs for females?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: Armor designs for females?

    Quote Originally Posted by goto124 View Post
    I've been asking similar questions about men's tastes in women. It may be the media goes for a well-known standard that is most marketable and appeals to most people (men?). There may even be a self-reinforcing cycle.
    Absolutely I think media is going to generally go for a least common denominator (generally the rule for items targeted at mass consumption), but even in media I think you'll find a surprising range of "sexy". Looking at recent super hero movies, consider the differences between Black Widow (who does the skin tight suit, but really doesn't show a lot of skin), to Wonder Woman (boob plate a hoy!), to Pepper Potts (business attire, fancy dresses and wit to match Tony Stark, yowza), to Nebula and Gamora (turning on the Captain Kirk contingent) to even Peggy Carter (classic turn of the century sexy).

    For the women (from my perspective with some slight input from the women in my life) you likewise have Thor (doing the big muscles thing), Tony Stark (the confident, collected swagger), Bruce Banner (the damaged soul), Hawkeye (lean [pouty lips? maybe. could one of our women commenters weigh in on this], confident and scruffy), and Captain America (the "All American" boy/man).

    What is notable in the differences (and this is something sociologists have found time and again) is that media targeting men for "sexy" generally conveys it via imagery (although I'd argue in Potts and Cater's cases it's also personality / attitude) and when targeting women it tends to aim at personalities / emotions (with the possible exception of Thor), which may explain why static artwork has a harder time being broadly appealing to women as opposed to men. With static art it's harder to convey personality. At least that's a possible theory, bearing in mind that I am neither sociologist, psychologist nor a woman.
    Last edited by 1337 b4k4; 2017-07-19 at 08:43 PM.