What "skill choices?" 1.10 killed that via Synergies. If you wanted a fire sorc, a bone necro, or a javazon, you had 80 points spoken for immediately, or else you sucked in Hell difficulty. There was even less choice in D2 than there is in D3. But the rose-tinted telescopes you call goggles just won't let you see it.

As for useless skills not being in the game - so did you do this much complaining about Teeth? Dim Vision? Raven? Attract? And the entire Zon passive tree was one-point wonders except for Valkyrie. But D2 was so much better.

Quote Originally Posted by The_Jackal View Post
and the way DIII has gone since RoS, I'm on the fence as to whether I'll buy DIV.
I honestly hope you don't. I could use the peace.