Quote Originally Posted by Shadow_in_the_Mist View Post
Also... that's all you wanted to reply to? Huh?
Sorry. I had work yesterday, and wasn't really the type of work I could devote time to this during it. If it makes you feel better, it was both unpleasant and dull!

Quote Originally Posted by Shadow_in_the_Mist View Post
Anyway... let's have something useful from me: here's the GDoc I promised so long ago for this project. Now... what can I actually start putting in it? Any suggestions?
1) Aelfar should not be described as gender fluid. That's an actual gender identity in real life, which has a different meaning. I mean, some Aelfar probably are gender fluid, but I imagine a lot aren't. Using it in this sense will seem confusing or possibly misinformed.

2) You don't state it, but I assume that the matriarchical houses are matrilineal. The two aren't the same, so I'd just mention if they are. (And you will always get that one gamer who doesn't realize that matrilineal families are a thing...)

3) I think you should develop the Aelfar nteractions with other races a bit more. The idea there is a overview document and a racial codex might help in a situation where the setting seems to be made to be very intricate. In which case, ignore this statement. (And yes, I'll go over the codexes when I can).

4) I think at some point it was suggested that the Kixians get an enviromentalist streak to contrast them with the Jarill, who mostly don't care. Their section seems smaller, which is odd given that most people know what a snooty elf is, but might need more for the humanoid bugs. Their diet isn't even addressed.

5) What color are Kixians? I think I mentioned the Orchid Mantis, but most people associate mantises with the color green.

6) The Jarill face a similar problem. (there's no reason to assume that a monotreme would have the same diet as a platypus or a echidna). If they are from an artic world, I imagine fish/meat are the only ways to go. Also, are they synapsids, or monotremes?

7) We need a form of government for the Paxians, unless they went the empire route again. I think it'd be interesting for them to try something new this time around, but we can work on that when we address them.

8) For the Drossians, it has occurred to me. There are parasitic plants. Perhaps they resemble one of these more then a lotus? Sandalwood is a famous one, and one associated with the same regions as the lotus. (I don't think either is native to the same region, but hey, that's science). Would also be hilarious if the murder-plants happened to smell nice.

9) I think it should be clear that unlike the Aelfar, the Aurian empire is neither wholly good or evil in the racial overview section, even if it is repeated later on.

10) I thought the planet of the Vanadirans was Frayir, being a pun on their own name of origin and 'fray'.

11) If you intend this to be made for actual play I'd reword the first bit. I think the Clan-mothers need to be more mysterious in the overview, with some people even doubting their existence. Maybe elaborate that they are draconic felines in their codex. Basically, something like "Most Vanadirans claim to be the direct descendants of demigod-like figures, through no outsider has even seen these beings'.

12) I think the idea of hair length is a good one, but I'd go in a different direction: Elaborate. They give themselves elaborate hair styles with different dyes, ornaments and styling. It'd still get obviously ruined by combat, but I think it gives a potential player a little more freedom in deciding what their character looks like. Also, I want a damn pink leopard print mohawk.

13) What was decided for their coloration? I think that being able to visualize a character/race is important.

14) Radiant energy comes from the Elemental Chaos? I am not opposed to this, but it would be an interesting change. Especially since I think healing is no longer associated with positive energy of old.

15) Does the 'luminferous' mean that aether is visible? I guess having space be all sorts of shades of color is pretty 80's. But it would mean that you don't need advanced means to detect it, it's right there, see?

16) Why starjammers instead of starskimmers?

17) ...Are Warp Thrones the Jarill version of a god of protection and travel? You'd think they'd stick a god in there.

18) I would not say that the Aurian dragons have established themselves as gods. That implies they aren't gods, which is a matter I think should be more vague for an introduction.

19) I'd use the term Imperial China over Medieval China. A minor nitpick, but the word medieval is starting to only get used for Europe and Imperial China is an actual period of Chinese history that will help direct player's and DM research.

20) The God-Emperors have a culture of assimilation, which I really like. But instead of focusing on the followers...Why not go and have a diplomatic chat with the god itself? If the gods don't exist, they could make it seem like they did and mess with priests.

21) I'd replace the line 'Of wizards, theurges re the most common, for reasons that should be obvious.' with something more like 'Theurge wizards are the most common form of wizards, due to the people's gratitude of being taught magic'. PCs are natural rebels, so many people might wonder if wizards are a less form of spellcasting, or if a lot of wizards are preparing for a rebellion.

22) Let's not call sorcerers who dedicate themselves to the gods 'Favored Souls', because that is confusing. Let's call them 'Chosen' or something similar, which gets the point across.

23) Should the presence of the Elixir Vitae be known to the average PC? Also, should its name be so...Western? If we start to smash words together, we could call it Tan-jing, from this article.

24) Again, keep the elixir a secret. It'll be fun for a group of players to figure it out. A setting needs a few mysteries to poke at.

25) Agreed with the idea that the Lizardfolk getting promoted to different types is a bit convoluted. Their worship of the Ryujin generals and the holy form of the Emperors makes a lot more sense. Do they appear like this?

26) I think dragon urine is something we can just gloss over. Not all parts of the mythos needs to get ported over, and let's spare the poor future DMs from many a joke regarding golden showers. But yes, I do get the idea that the dragons can easily elevate life. Perhaps like the Paxians, they have their own pet project of a planet? Their advancement of this proto-sapient life could be in contrast to the Paxians.

27) The tail-shedding idea is a good one, I think. Sorry if I didn't comment on it the first time around! It should perhaps also be brightly colored, as a source of pride and well...Appearance.

28) I like the idea that they are all warriors. They don't need someone to watch the kids while at war, because they only earn the right to settle down and start a family once they have proved themselves. They don't have to worry about accidentally exterminating themselves in combat, because the God-Emperors surely wouldn't allow that! And the God-Emperors would stop their lands and belongings from being yoinked by non-warrior castes. Good contrast to others.

Sorry to cut things short, but duty calls. I'll try to comment more later.